IMSP - Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie "Chiril Draganiuc"

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The section of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis
The chief of the section
Dmitri Sain, doctor hab. in medicine, associate professor
tel: (+373 22) 73 55 63
The scientific direction: The diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis with a view to the efficiency of the process of treatment of the chemical resisting tuberculosis. Elaboration of  individual curative schemes with the application of the whole spectre of drugs recommended by the World Organization of Health.
The Laboratory of Prophylaxis and discovery of tuberculosis
The chief of the section
Constantin Iavorschi, doctor hab. in medicine, professor
tel: (+373 22) 73 82 57
The scientific direction
 Prophylaxis and  precocious discovery of tuberculosis, inclusive at children. Optimization of prophylactic measures in the hotbeds of tuberculosis in present conditions. Study of causes and factors of development of chronic forms of tuberculosis.
The laboratory the Clinic and treatment of nonspecific diseases of the breathing apparatus
The chief of laboratory
Serghei Pisarenco, doctor hab. in medicine, associate professor
tel: (+373 22) 73 82 57
The scientific direction
The establishment of the spreading level of nonspecific lung diseases. The establishment of the volume and specific features of curative- prophylactic actions applied to the patients with nonspecific lung diseases.
The elaboration of objective criterions of medical-social examination of the patients with chronic bronchitis-obstructive pathology. The optimization of the precocious discovery, that constitutes the quintessence of the programme of prevention of nonspecific lung diseases.
The Laboratory of Clinic Limfology
The chief of laboratory
Valeriu Djugostran, doctor hab. in medicine, associate professor
tel: (+373 22) 73 83 94
The scientific direction:
The elaboration of new methods of treatment through influences on the lymphatic system and the normalization of the functions of this system. The efferent medicine (hem draught, plasma ferrate, enter draught); the Methods of desintoxication (inclusive the electro-chemical detoxication). The cuantic medicine (the blood irradiation with X-rays, laser). The bioenergetics recovering.
The laboratory of Alergology and Clinic Immunology
The chief of laboratory
Larisa Procopisin, doctor in medicine, associate professor
tel: (+373 22) 73 55 39
 The scientific direction: Scientific researches in allergology and clinic immunology.
A high quality medical assistance and allergy-immunological diagnosis to the patients with breathing pathology.
The laboratory of Surgery
 The chief of laboratory
Elena Tudor, doctor in medicine, associate professor
 tel: (+373 22) 72 17 70
 The scientific direction:
The optimization of methods, procedures and results of the surgical treatment applied to the patients with tuberculosis and nonspecific breathing diseases.
The laboratory of Functional and Instrumental Diagnosis of the joint diseases
(cardiovascular and pulmonary)
 The chief of laboratory
Iurie Simionica, doctor in medicine, associate professor
 The scientific direction:
The elaboration and improvement of functional and instrumental methods in the diagnosis of pathologies of the superior and inferior breathing apparatus, cardio-vascular.
The performed services: 
- Diagnosis and curative bronchoscope.
- Bronchography.
- Investigation of lung mechanic and ventilation.
- Pulsoximetry.
- Capnography.
- Electrocardiographic investigations.
- Veloergometry.
- Examination and treatment of the pathologies of the ORL organs.
The section of Information and Implementation
The scientific direction:
The creation, completion, study and use of the consultative- informational fund and the patent fund of the institute. The planning, evidence and book- keeping of the patentable activity. The review and the examination of the scientific research thesis, inventions and innovations.
The clinic
The Consultative section
The chief of the section
Claudia Bradisteanu, doctor of a superior category.
Tel: (+373 22) 73 83 18
Offers diagnostically and consultative assistance to the patients with tuberculosis and non-specifically diseases of the breathing apparatus from Moldova. Yearly more than 16.000 patients are consulted inclusive children.
Are used modern methods of diagnosis for discovery and treatment of tuberculosis, also is granted a medical consultative and curative diagnostics assistance to the patients with non specifically pathologies of the breathing apparatus.
A professional consultative aid is granted by professors, doctors in medicine and biology.
At this level is checked the diagnosis, are indicated the long treatments and are selected the patients for the later hospitalization in the PMSI the Institute of Phthiziopneumology “Chiril Draganiuc”.
Para clinical subdivisions
The section of Functional diagnosis, endoscopy and ORL
The chief of the section
Iurie Simionica, doctor in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 82 35
Thanks to the advanced methods, in the section is possible the establishment of the diagnosis and the effective monitor of the indicated treatments to the patients with different affections of the breathing apparatus and cardio- vascular.
The performed services:
-         the establishment of the functional deregulations and the treatment of the patients with chronic and acute affections of the breathing apparatus, inclusive those accompanied or complicated by various cardio- vascular pathologies;
-         bronchitis exams with the use of some materials for cytological, hystopathological and microbiological researches;
-         endo- bronchial treatment;
-         spirography, pulsoximetry, capnography for the establishment of a functional lung deficit and the evaluation of the efficiency of the treatment;
-         electrocardiography and veloergometry;
-         diagnosis and treatment of the ORL organs pathologies.
The Radiology section
The chief of the section
Nicolae Nalivaico, doctor in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 87 09
Executes modern and complex explorations of radio diagnosis (graphic, scope, tomography).
It is widely applied the artificial contrast of different organs and systems (the digestive tube organs, the urine and bile ways) that ensure a high efficiency in the checking of the diagnosis.
The performed services:
-         complex radiological investigations (radioscopy, radiography) of the patients with various pathologies of the breathing, ostheoarticullar and other systems;
-         conventional tomography;
-         bronchography;
-         diagnostically radiophotography;
-         intravenous urolography;
-         upward pielography;
-         cistography;
-         the guidance of the activity of the radiologists and radiology technicians from the phtiziopneumological institutions with the evaluation of the quality of the radiological exams, with the grant of methodical, practical aid and the implementation of new methods of radio diagnostic investigations. The grant of the organizer- methodical support to the radiologic service from the republic regarding the timely discovery of tuberculosis and other non-specifically diseases of the breathing apparatus.   
The laboratory of Medical diagnosis
The chief of the laboratory:
Vitalie Bologa, doctor in medicine, associate professor
 Tel: (+373 22) 73 54 65; 73 82 43
The performed services:
-         clinical, biochemical and microscopic analyses of the blood and other biological liquids: sputa, pleural liquid, cephalous- rahidian puncture, the bronchial lavage;
-         the examination of different bio substratum for etiological establishment of nonspecific inflammatory diseases, sceptic- pus processes;
-         sanitary- bacteriological researches;
-         the establishment of the bacterium and viral flora;
-         the establishment of the sensitiveness of the bacterium towards the antibiotics;
-         serological, immuno-enzymatic and immuno- fluorescent investigations;
-         the identification of the atypical microorganisms;
-         the examination of the acid- basic balance and of the microelements.
The National Reference Laboratory
The chief of the laboratory:
Nicolae Moraru, doctor hab. in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 82 50
The performed services:
-         microscopic exams for the discovery of MBT from pathological products- the simple microscopy, the fluorescent microscopy;
-         the sowing on solid nutritious mediums for the isolation of the pure cultures of M.tuberculosis;
-         the sowing on liquid nutritious mediums for the isolation of the pure cultures of M.tuberculosis through BACTEC MGIT 960 method.
-         the identification of the cultures isolated from the mycobacterium;
-         the test of the sensitiveness of  M. tuberculosis towards the ant tuberculosis prep rates of line 1;
-         the test of the sensitiveness of  M. tuberculosis towards the ant tuberculosis prep rates of line 2;
-          the test of the sensitiveness of  M. tuberculosis towards the ant tuberculosis prep rates of line 1 through BACTEC MGIT 960 method.
-         the typification of the strains of no tuberculosis  mycobacterium;
-         the evidence and study of the L- mycobacterium forms;
-         bacteriological investigations for the isolation of non specific flora and the determination of the pathogen agent with the estimation of sensitiveness;
-          bacteriological investigations for the discovery of the fungus flora;
-         the test of the sensitiveness of M. tuberculosis through the genetic molecular method “Genotype MTBDR plus” Hein.
The Morphopathology laboratory
The chief of the laboratory:
Ion Haidarli, doctor hab. in medicine
Tel: (+373 22) 73 82 21
The performed services:
-         the estimation of the morphological characteristics of the specific and non specific inflammations in different apparatus and anatomic systems;
-         the evaluation of the tissue reactions and of the lung interstice demodulations in different phases of the tuberculosis inflammation, the morphological characteristics of the process of resumption and the heal of non tuberculosis wounds, the involving level of the conjunctive tissue in the treatment of non tuberculosis wounds and the grade of fibrous;
-         the establishment of the morphological criterions of differential diagnosis of the fibrous demodulations, of the character and spreading of the lung fibrous in accordance with the form of tuberculosis, the age of the disease, the particularities of the ant tuberculosis therapy;
-         the evaluation of the pathogen particularities and the process of fibrous in the lung tuberculosis, the characteristics of the decease through tuberculosis, clinic- morphological structures of the tuberculosis;
-         the establishment of the frequency and proportion of different forms of tuberculosis in the decease through other diseases and causes;
-         the establishment of the immediate causes of deceases  through other diseases and causes;
-         the establishment of the tuberculosis frequency discovered too late and post-mortem;
-         histological, histochemical, biochemical, morphometry  investigations;
-         electronic and limelight microscopy;
-         the statistic analyse of the epidemiometric indicators of tuberculosis.
The section of Monitory, estimation and integration of the medical assistance service
The chief of the section
Axenti Ecaterina
The activity of this section stipulates the following actions: the planning and the coordination of the consulting and methodical aid towards the medical institutions from the districts and towns of the republic, the analyses of the phtysiopneumology service activity from the republic of Moldova, the analyses of the Institute activity. The co- workers of this section actively take part at the implementation in the republic of Moldova of the national programme of control and prophylaxis of tuberculosis, programme coordinated by O.M.S. 
Clinical subdivisions
The section of Phthysiopneumology I
The chief of the section
Lidia Rivneac, doctor in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 87 11
The profile of the section: grants specialised assistance in the treatment of the patients with prime- discovered and recidive lung tuberculosis, with advanced forms and associated pathologies.
The section of Phthysiopneumology II
The chief of the section
Galina Crivenco, doctor in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 82 46
The profile of the section: in this section are treated the patients with evaluative lung tuberculosis, the co- infection TB/HIV/AIDS.
The section of Phthysiopneumology III
The chief of the section
Iuri Marcenco
The address for contacts
Tel: (+373 22) 73 82 65
The profile of the section:The high teaching level of the specialists and the endowing with modern equipment allow the implementation and the application of modern technologies of diagnosis and treatment of non specific lung affections of the breathing apparatus.
The section of Diagnosis and Treatment of tuberculosis
The chief of the section
Gheorghe Timbalari, doctor in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 83 28
The profile of the section: Are assisted the cases of differential diagnosis of tuberculosis, the treatment of the lung tuberculosis and of the tuberculosis meningitis.
The co- workers of this specialised section gathered a rich experience in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and in the establishment of the therapeutic conduct (immediate and long standing), succeeding the amelioration of the individual forecast. The encouraging results are due to the quick use of the up- to- date progresses regarding the precocious diagnosis, the medicine and recovery in tuberculosis treatment.
The Multidrogresistens tuberculosis section
 The chief of the section
Liubov Nepoliuc
Tel: (+373 22) 73 83 31
The profile of the section: The treatment of the patients with multidrogresisting lung tuberculosis through the implementation and application of modern technologies of treatment.
The section of Thoracic Surgery
The chief of the section
Gheorghe Groza, doctor in medicine, associate professor
Tel: (+373 22) 73 83 81
The profile of the section: Work high skilled specialists that operate with modern methods of surgery treatment of the patients with specific and non specific breathing pathology. The section has a separate operator block.
The section of the Extrarespiratory Tuberculosis
The chief of the section
Vasile Procopciuc, doctor in medicine
Tel: (+373 22) 73 87 00
 The profile of the section: The differential diagnosis, the surgery and conservative treatment of the patients with extra respiratory tuberculosis.
The used methods:
-         methods of extra focal stabilization of the vertebral colonna, especially in tuberculosis (in accordance with the orthopaedic and traumathology department of the MFSU “N. Testemitanu”);
-         the conservative treatment: the puncture of the articulations, bony abscesses and periphery lymphatic ganglions;
-         surgery interventions with a diagnostic view, radical or palliative treatment , inclusive of stabilisation and reconstruction.
The section of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation
 The chief of the section
Adrian Cauia
Tel: (+373 22) 73 83 90
The profile of the section: Grants nonstop pressing assistance to the patients with tuberculosis and decompensate non specific breathing pathology.
The section of Medical recovery
The chief of the section
Nelli Cotici
Tel: (+373 22) 73 82 35
Grants specialised medical aid, orientated towards the rehabilitation of the patients’ organism with tuberculosis and non specific breathing pathology with a view to a definitive recovery or increasing the process of recovery or installing of the remission.
The section has medical apparatus with a capacity of more than 360 sessions on a change;
 The profile of the section:
-         laser therapy in the complex treatment of the bronchitis asthma;
-         heparin- CSM- phoresis in the treatment of the chronic bronchitis;
-         long electromagnetically waves in the treatment of acute pneumonias;
-         millimetre electromagnetically waves of extra high frequency in the treatment of the bronchitis asthma and vegetal- vascular dittany;
-         galvanisation, electrophoresis, phototherapy (ultra- violet razes, ultra- red irradiation);
-         diadynamic currents, CDD- phoresis, modulated sinusoidal currents (CSM), CSM- phoresis;
-         the therapy with microwaves (SMV) and decimetre microwaves ( DMV), Ultra sound, Ultra phoresis, Interferential currents, short ultra violet waves (RUS), electrotherapy with high frequencies (EVT-RUS);
-         inhalations;
-         kinetic therapy;
-         Massage.
The Pharmacy
The chief of the pharmacy
Anghelina Djugostran
Tel: (+373 22) 73 55 25
The distribution of the ant tuberculosis medicines in the sections of the institute and in the republic. Methodically informs the doctors about the available assortment in the pharmacy.