IMSP - Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie "Chiril Draganiuc"

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There have been developed and implemented methods for the treatment of the multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR TB) that have contributed to the reduction of treatment duration with an increase of the number of the treated patients.
The development and the implementation of the method to prevent super infection susceptibility testing of M. Tuberculosis and microbiological diagnostic algorithm improved the quality of laboratory diagnosis of MDR TB and speed sensitivity testing, which had an important role in enhancing the efficiency of the MDR TB treatment.
There have been determined the causes that contribute to the formation of contingents of patients with chronic forms of tuberculosis and proposed actions to prevent the development of chronic forms of tuberculosis.
It was developed tuberculosis exudative pleurisy curative technology, including corticosteroids and chemotherapy administration end lymphatic regional preparations, osmotic stimulation of the lymphatic drain. The proposed technological options accelerate stop exudation in the pleural cavity.
There have been perfected the basic medical criteria that determine the work capacity of patients with asthma to assess the degree of reduction of vitality that will allow the indications for aid and social protection, which will improve the quality of their life.
There have been developed research methods of the adverse reactions in patients with asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis: the method of determining the adaptive responses of the body after leucoformula, which is simple and allows the data to obtain information about the state of leukocyte formula for adjusting the body's immune reactions, and methods of assessment of leukocyte index of allergy, which facilitates the selection of patients with allergic preclinical state for detailed examination.